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How To Help Your Child Succeed In Math

The Secrets of Kumon Learning

By Courtney Daly-Pavone February 15, 2019

Is Homework a Struggle for Your Child?

For more than 60 years, Kumon’s after-school academic enrichment program has helped children achieve success worldwide. The Kumon Method has helped over 4 million students in 49 countries, and it can advance your child’s learning too. The Kumon Method began with a parent’s love. Determined to help his 8-year-old son, a math teacher named Toru Kumon developed the materials and guiding principles that grew into the largest after-school math and reading program in the world. Kumon teaches students from preschool to high school, and tutors students of all abilities.

What is the Kumon Method?

Daily Kumon Math Worksheets will take about 30 minutes to complete in two sessions a week at a Kumon Center, and then another five assignments to be completed at home. Your child will work at his or her own pace, mastering each new concept before moving on. With each worksheet, you’ll find your child accelerating important math skills. Many Kumon parents ultimately find their children mastering concepts that put them grade levels ahead of their peers.

The Kumon Reading Program begins with basic phonics and progresses all the way through advanced reading comprehension. For more information about the Kumon Reading Program, click here.

How soon can parents see results in their children?

Typically within the first few weeks, you’ll see your child develop better study habits, improved concentration, and a more positive attitude toward learning. Kumon strives to instill in children the desire to achieve and the motivation to learn on their own. 

How can parents help their children love math and reading?

Designate Kumon time at home, so your child gets into the habit of doing homework at the same time each day. Encourage your child to complete daily assignments just as he or she would practice a sport or musical instrument. Be ready to celebrate small and large victories, and look for opportunities to praise your child.

Get $50 Off in February

Sign up now and get $50 off tutoring services! 

This sale ends on  2/28/2019 so sign up before it's too late!

ContactTel. 858-242-8956 jialinyu@ikumon.com 




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