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How To Introduce Kids To Great Theatre!

By Courtney Daly-Pavone April 16, 2024

* This article is a 3 minute read

Do you remember your first play? 

I went to see Alice in Wonderland when I was five. I was mesmerized by the show. Fast forward and theatre remains my go to/happy place! The seed was planted decades ago growing up in New York City. Now I enjoy great theatre in San Diego with my family. 

Where To See Live Performances: 

Broadway San Diego, The Coronado Playhouse, Lamplighters Community Theatre, California Center for the Arts, Lambs Theatre, The Cygnet Theatre, The Old Globe, San Diego Junior Theatre, and The La Jolla Playhouse.  

I spoke with Anthony Zelig Director of Communications & Patron Services for San Diego Junior Theatre, SDJT Education Director Elissa Russell, and Joey Landwehr Artistic Director for San Diego Center for Jewish Culture and Artistic Director for Broadway San Diego Awards about the positive impact theatre can have on children.

According to Zelig,"Theatre teaches life lessons to audience members and performers of all ages. Many of our productions tell stories with cultural and historical significance."

Landwehr states, "Every live performance has its base in education. Whether it is overt, such as the themes and teachings of Shakespeare, or whether it is more tactile and immersive when one actually gets their hands dirty and gets into the thick of it! From the moment the lights go up to the last second as the curtain comes down theatre is brimming with education, insight and thought-provoking opportunities."

It's Never Too Early!

"Our productions are family-friendly, under 2 hours, and chosen specifically with young audiences in mind. Plus, all of our performers/crew are JT students, and it's important for students to see themselves reflected on stage," said Zelig.

My child's first play was a Junior Theatre production of Frog and Toad. He was only two years old at the time. Perhaps it was a little premature, but I didn't give up and he's a theatre kid these days! Zelig recommends exposing your kids to theatre even if the first show may not make an impression.

"Don’t give up! In the same way that not every movie will be well received by everyone, just because your child didn't like a particular play does not mean that theatre is not for them. Many of our shows are stage versions of popular children's books or movies, so find a title that interests your child! Make a fun day of it by spending time in Balboa Park before or after the show so that your child has positive associations with going to the theater,"said Zelig.

SDJT Education Director, Elissa Russell shared her first theatre experience.

"I remember seeing a community theatre production of A Christmas Carol in
kindergarten and being so in awe of the performers' energy and talents. There were children in the cast as well, and I told my grandmother that I wanted to be in a play someday like those kids. She enrolled me in theater classes, which shaped the entire trajectory of my life and career. Years later I eventually performed in A Christmas Carol at that same theater," said Russell.

Many schools have cut their arts programs Zelig believes it's imperative for parents to supplement the arts for their kids.

"Parents should enrich their children's lives by exposing them to various forms of art outside of the classroom. Take them to museums, plays, touring productions, etc. to build their appreciation for the arts from an early age and to create lasting memories with your child. Even if being a performer isn’t in their future, taking classes in acting, singing and movement can do wonders for a child’s confidence and social-emotional development, said Zelig."

Food for Thought...

According to Landwehr, "Theatre changes lives and theatre saves lives. I know this, because it is what it has done for me. The best age to introduce the joy and art of live theatre to a child is the first moment you lay eyes upon your new born baby. Theatre has proven, more than any other scholastic opportunity, to help create well rounded, thoughtful, generous, passionate, empathetic, hard working, intelligent children; which grow into well rounded thoughtful, generous, passionate, empathetic, hard working, intelligent adults."

I couldn't agree more, because that has been my personal experience. The great performances I saw at Lincoln Center and Broadway made me understand the plight of others. When the curtain goes up your focus is not on yourself, but the story that is unfolding before you, and everyone needs to experience that!

Check Out These Upcoming Shows:

San Diego Junior Theatre

Diary of a Wimpy Kid APRIL 26 - MAY 3 

Broadway San Diego

Mrs. Doubtfire JUN 4 - JUN 9 2024

Peter Pan JUL 30 - AUG 4 2024


Remembrance Reading - I Never Saw Another Butterfly SAT., MAY 4, 2024 | 8:00 pm

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