
Free SAT Prep Classes, Tests & Anti-Stress Tips!

Everything Your Child Needs to Ace The Exam

By Courtney Daly-Pavone January 21, 2020


This SAT Prep Course is offered at two San Diego Public Libraries- Point Loma Library and Logan Heights Library. This class is free, but registration is required. For more information CLICK HERE! Visit:

FREE Practice SAT @ C2 on Presidents' Day!  

Monday 2/17/20. Space is limited registration required. Choose between a free practice test, or a two hour homework help session. 5 locations in San Diego, for more information CLICK HERE!

Have Your Teen Volunteer on The Teen Council @ The La Jolla Library

Colleges don't just want students who will do well in class – they want students who will also engage outside of the classroom and make a positive impact on campus. Community service teaches children the importance of giving back. In this program, teens earn service hours and help the library make decisions about serving teens in our community. Meets once monthly starts 1/25/20 1-2pm. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO!

Anti-Stress Tips From Center Point Medicine La Jolla

According to Dr. Ran Anbar, pediatrician who teaches hypnosis and founder of Center Point Medicine, "Test anxiety can prevent a child from showing what they know on a test.  When it’s severe, the child can fail to answer even simple questions on a test regarding material they understand very well." 

Dr. Anbar Offers 10 Anti-Stress Tips For SAT Testing Day!

  1. Start to study early for the test.
  2. Go to sleep at your regular time before a test.  Avoid studying late on the night before a test, as performance can decline with fatigue. 
  3. Tell yourself that you want to do well on the test.  (Many children worry that they might fail. I teach them to avoid such negative self-talk that can lead them to do more poorly as a result of increased anxiety.)  Take a card to the test with a positive statement that you can read just before the test:  “You are very well prepared!”
  4. Imagine taking the test in your classroom.  Imagine reading the questions carefully.  Imagine how good it will feel to do well on the test and to receive a good grade.  (Imagination rehearsal exercises such as these work best while in an hypnotic state that helps the child feel as if they are actually taking the test.)
  5. Drink plenty of water before the test.  Avoid sugary drinks before the test because they can cause your blood sugar to drop during the test, which will make it harder to think.  Do bring a snack to eat just before the test. 
  6. Breathe in through your nose for a count of 3, hold your breath for a count of 5, exhale through your mouth slowly for a count of 7. Repeat this cycle 5 times. Notice how calm you become with such a breathing pattern.  Use this kind of breathing at the beginning of your test.  When you breathe in, make sure that your belly is going out, which means you are taking as deep a breath as possible.
  7. You can calm yourself by imagining you are in a calm, happy place.  (When I teach self-hypnosis, I explain to children how to use hypnosis to trigger the relaxation response during a test, similar to the relaxation they experience while they are doing hypnosis.)
  8. Let go of your anxiety by placing it into a balloon, and letting the balloon go.  Imagine how it feels as the balloon flies off into the sky.  The further it goes, the calmer you can feel.
  9. Or, control your anxiety while in hypnosis by imagining a large dial that controls how you feel.  With this dial you can set your anxiety to just the right level.
  10. Focus on taking the test, rather than what other kids might be doing during the test.

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