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Donate Leftover Halloween Candy in San Diego

Helpful Ways to Give Back or Repurpose Sweets!

By Courtney Daly-Pavone November 2, 2018

Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy every year just for Halloween. 

Halloween began early at my house when I purchased Costco size bags of chocolates.  My son punctured the bag and ran to the kitchen between cartoons, for a candy break. A week before Halloween we were doomed, my husband joined the bandwagon and ate M&M's daily, I found solace in Snickers. We still had enough candy for the army of trick or treaters, and we all lived happily ever after The End. Not exactly, my son did some ambitious trick or treating, and replenished our supply of fructose, facing addiction, we needed to clean house.

4 Ways to Get Rid of Left-Over Candy

-Freeze It

-Make a Gingerbread House with Halloween Candy.

-Use Left-Over Candy as X-Mas Stocking Stuffers.

-Donate Your Candy At These Organizations & Teach Kids Kindness Ronald McDonald House Charities 

Operation Shoe Box  Accepts individually wrapped candies are accepted throughout the year to help boost morale overseas. Visit OperationShoebox.com to get the mailing address for donations.

Sell Your Halloween Candy to the Super Dentists!
Visit the Super Dentists for their annual Candy Buy Back! Kids who bring in a pound of candy receive $1 and another dollar is donated to a local nonprofit. All candy collected will be sent to U.S. Service members serving overseas! For more information, visit www.TheSuperDentists.com or call (760) or (619) DENTIST (336-8478). 

Send Your Candy Directly to the Troops

Visit OperationGratitude.com for guidelines, or go to www.halloweencandybuyback.com to find a buyback location.

Operation Stars & Stripes, Inc.
With Operation Trick-or-Treating, our Halloween candy can be sent to troops for the holidays. Visit OperationStarsandStripes.org for more information.

Contact the nearest VA Hospital or VFW Chapter
Show appreciation to the veterans that have served our country by donating excess candy to a local VA Hospital or community center.

To avoid looking like Mommie Dearest, be sure to tell your child what you are doing with their candy.  Let them take part in the donations, buy back programs, or using candy for holiday decorations. This can be a teachable moment for kids, and adults!

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