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FREE Violin Lessons All Levels @ San Diego Public Library

10 Week Course Starts in September

By Courtney Daly-Pavone June 4, 2018

Villa Musica is a non-profit corporation that brings music instruction to communities and offers group classes.  People of all ages can come together and make music, their goal is to showcase each neighborhoods unique sound.  Teachers from the Sorrento Valley School will be offering FREE VIolin Lessons for 10 Weeks at the Logan Heights Library.  Classes are available in a variety of levels starting in September, and continue throughout the school year in 10-week installments.

Courses Offered in September Include:

Beginning Strings (ages 5-7)                                                                                                       

Intermediate Strings (ages 8-11)                                                                                                      

Advanced Strings (ages 10-17) 

This is a 10-week violin class for children. Classes varying depending on the age and ability of the child. The ten-week course ends with as performance. Applications available and accepted at the Logan Heights Branch Library until the second week of the class. No experience needed. 

Violins available to borrow at the Library.

For More Information & to Register Your Child For September Classes Contact: abullard@villamusica.org

Villa Musica Website: http://villamusica.org/about/

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